Network Status Updates

If you are experiencing an issue that is not described below, or you have questions regarding your datacenter or hosting, please visit our Help Center.

All systems are operational

Past Incidents

21st May 2023

Support Center Scheduled Maintenance

Our service provider will be performing scheduled maintenance on our communications software. Maintenance is scheduled to begin at 3:00 AM Eastern U.S. time. Once maintenance begins, any ongoing chats will be disconnected, and no new chats will be able to begin until the maintenance is complete. Maintenance is expected to end at 4:30 AM Eastern U.S. time. Updates will be posted here as they become available. We apologize for any inconvenience, and are working with our service provider to make sure that the disruption is as brief as possible.

No impact on customer services, such as web hosting or email, are expected.

  • Updates:

    Maintenance has been completed and services are fully restored. Thank you for your patience.

  • 20th May 2023

    No incidents reported