Network Status Updates

If you are experiencing an issue that is not described below, or you have questions regarding your datacenter or hosting, please visit our Help Center.

All systems are operational
Planned Maintenance - whub59 Account Migrations

On Sunday, September 29th beginning at 11AM ET, we are migrating several accounts from whub59 to allow us to better suit your hosting needs. All impacted customers have been sent an email notification of this change. If your account is included in this migration, you should have no downtime during this move, and we will notify you with your new server information once we have finished the process. Please postpone changes until the move has been completed and DNS propagation completes.

To check which server you are hosted on, please refer to the following article, Account Technical Details

Past Incidents

18th May 2024

No incidents reported

17th May 2024

ECDC Migration

Please be aware that we are undergoing planned downtime with select servers in our West Coast data center. Please refer to for more details.

  • Updates:

    This maintenance has been completed at this time. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding!